Just wondering if any of you are or have had gone to TOPS? It is a group that gets together weighs in and keeps you accountable for your weight. I am thinking that I should start that. Just wanna know if you have. I can do it on here, but to me that doesn't help me beings I don't ever see you guys and here I have to look at these people every week so that will keep me accountable. Does that make sense? Tell me your input..........
My mom swears by it and has been going for 20+ years in our small home town. She loves it. So my sister and went about 5 years ago here in the cities and it didn't work out so well. It was a very tight knit group and we didn't know anyone there and were ignored the enitire time. I'm sure it depends on where you mom loves her group and it does keep her accountable!
Lori at Goal
RNY October 2004