Post Surgical Gag Reflux?
Did anyone else find that their gag reflexes have really gotten bad with lots of smells, foods & liquids right after surgery? Seems that the slightest bad taste in my mouth tends to make me gaggy. Sorry to be so abrupt & grose about this topic. Just wondering if this ever gets any better or if its a sensitivity that many get post WLS?
Hi Lori,
I gagged on so much after surgery. I thought I was not ever going to "be normal" again. And guess what? I am! I am 9.5 months out and things like the protein shake that I literally had to force myself to drink (and is not my favorite meal of the day) go down just fine. Hang in there I swear it gets better.
I gagged on so much after surgery. I thought I was not ever going to "be normal" again. And guess what? I am! I am 9.5 months out and things like the protein shake that I literally had to force myself to drink (and is not my favorite meal of the day) go down just fine. Hang in there I swear it gets better.