Giving up
I have no more excuses.
I went last week to say goodbye to my grandma We have had a really rough time the last 2 years since my dad got sick and passed away........ And she passed away 2 days later. Her funeral is this friday.......... So I have no more excuses to use why I eat........... We will see What I can come up with now........I need the strength to say NO to my eating habits.......... And let me tell ya they are not good ones.............. So if you can spare some of your ideas with me that would be great.................
Maybe we should start some sort of "challenge" or support b/t each other?
My weight has gone up 15#'s gradually over the past year and a half.
I lack serious exercise but that's on & off too so its not totally absent.
My biggest is eating...mostly WHAT I'm eating. Why do I eat chinese food when I know I feel bloated and sluggish afterwards? Why do I then go for that cookie or handful of Dots? Why can't I just eat real proteins, fruits and veggies like I am supposed to?! I've heard and said it before...its a killer to learn what you can "get away with" eating b/c then you can't say no.

I've thought about doing the 5-day pouch test for a cleanse of evil carbs and pointless foods...but can't seem to wrap my brain around actually doing it. Especially the first couple days of liquids.

But I'm hear for you if you need to vent your frustrations. It is a lifelong process that's for sure!
I, too, am in the same boat as you. Over the last few years, I have gained back, from my very lowest, about 80 pounds. I am very ashamed of myself. Yet I know I need to get over that shame, because it will only keep my down and keep me from getting back on track. I just printed out the 5 Day Pouch Test, and may try that soon. I, too, need to find the strength to get back to the way I know I should be eating. Starting at the beginning of September, I have only missed once in my plan to work out 3x/week, so I am glad about that.
Anyway, I feel your pain! :) But I also believe that somehow, some way, we can pull ourselves up and out of this and made good choices again and make things happen again.
All of the best to you!
You are not a failure at all. Life has been extremely stressful for you over the past two years and you still want to be healthy....sure signs of your courage and strength. I don't know if you are an emotional eater or not, but I am. What I found to be my one of my truths is that I didn't really accept myself as I am, so I sought out the approval of others as a poor substitute. As I worked on accepting my own brand of emotional weirdness, my need for seeking the approval of others diminshed and so did the need to eat for emotional comfort when I felt distressed. To be honest, I like and accept myself more these days and, as a result, some people like me less than they did a few years ago. I can live with that trade-off. Also, the overwhelming compulsion to eat for emotional comfort hasn't gone away entirely, but the work I have put into self-acceptance seems to have substantially reduced that compulsion. Some or none of that might also ring true for you, but no matter what, I think you have what it takes to live as a healthy person.
Good luck,
on 9/29/10 12:41 am - Clear Lake, MN
Your not alone.....I myself and know MANY others who are or have struggled.....One day I finally told myself, ENOUGH....I finally realized I deserved this WLS and was going to do my best with my tool....I then hired a personal trainer to come into my home and show me a workout and discuss nutrition.....That was 2 months ago....Since then I'm down 10+ pounds and really happy with my workout results....
You have been through a lot in the past 2 years.....Give yourself a little credit......
My advice- Get back to your Bariatric clinic, ask them for help....We all have issues, and that's what made us fat, now we have to learn to deal with issues, and not with food......Hang in there gorgeous, I'm always here for you.....YOUR NOT ALONE AND YOUR NOT A FAILURE......
I commend you for the courage it took for you to post this. I know it wasn't easy. I couldn't have posted this better myself. I am not losing the nasty weight I have gained and am at a loss as to what to do myself.
I am just as frustrated and feel awful. I won't go to any meetings or coffees because I feel so bad about myself.
I have even missed my 3 year check up...can't bring myself to get in there.
I also need a boot in the butt. Part of my issue is I haven't been able to walk. I thought I could again. Now I have problems with one of my feet and can't wear tennis shoes. I tried to walk in sandals....that was too painful.
Too much grazing and poor food choices....UGH!!
I have about given up too. maybe we could do this together somehow ....I really don't know.
I do love you and respect are an awesome person and are loved by many.
Hope today is a better and hugs...connie d
on 9/29/10 2:06 am - Clear Lake, MN
Consider this your boot......I would be happy to pick you up for coffee, NO ONE will judge you for gaining weight, or not taking it off, they are there for support.....When I decided to go back to coffee support, that was what turned my life around, the Eagan support group coffee helped me so much, I left there feeling so much better.....
Also, get into Dr. Glass or the nurse.....They will help you.....TRUST me, that's there job....They want you to be successful.....
HUGS to you....Kel