Spandex Ballet
Spandex Ballet
Spandex Ballet as a post title, not to be confused with Spandau Ballet, the 1980’s British new romantics era band, is, well, a bit of a ruse and uses a play on words to that obscure popular music reference. I will admit that I used it to draw your attention to my post. The reward for tolerating my little indulgence is the attached picture of me speaking last night at a weight loss surgery information meeting while wearing my Spandex biking clothes (that's me in the light blue shirt and black shorts). It’s OK if you chuckle or wonder just what the hell I was thinking when I chose to do such a thing.
There is a small back story to my questionable clothing decision. The last time I had spoken at one of those meetings my surgeon, a serious competitive cyclist, basically double dog dared me to show up in my biking garb at a future meeting. Yes, it was daunting to stand up and speak in front of a group of 50 or so prospective patients, especially in tight-fitting clothes that reveal bulges of extra skin rather than hiding them, but if doing so gave even one person a little hope that they might be able to live a healthier life, it was worth every moment of my discomfort. As it happened, people there asked questions about the emotional part of the journey and I found myself speaking from the heart with a lump in my throat about finally gaining a toehold on self-acceptance on my journey thanks to the support of kind and generous souls that I have met through support group meetings and here on OH. I wore Spandex in public to draw attention to my message of hope for a healthier future; I didn’t expect that the message was meant for me.