Mount Poopus
What follows is gross, so consider yourself properly forewarned if you choose to read onward. I am a bit more than two years out from surgery and I thought I was way past the constipation issues that result from following a high protein, low carbohydrate, relatively low-fat diet. I have been eating at least one homemade protein-fiber bar a day for almost two years now as a means of avoiding such issues. Aside from an appalling production of gas resulting from the consumption of so much fiber, I have had no problems being a regular guy since I started eating those bars. This past week, however, I decided to forego the bars as part of an effort to vary my diet. It took several days, but I found myself bound up once again. My body wanted to off-load, but it hurt to even try to do so. I don’t imagine it was anywhere near as painful as giving birth to a child must be, but I did reach a point where I felt compelled to push. I prayed to the poop gods and sat there trembling like a dog does when doing the same thing. Wincing and miserable, I managed to push out a few dense briquets after almost 30 minutes. Then the torrent started. A few moments later,
poop gods lol

Lori J.
It's better to be imperfectly happy than perfectly unhappy.
Many of us spend an inordinate amount of time praying to the poop gods for blessed relief from the bricks stuck inside us. A couple of months ago I ran across a protein fiber bar recipe on a bodybuilding site and decided to adapt it for my own purposes. I use this as a meal replacement. I am a regular guy again when I have one of these every day.
3 cups dry old fashioned oatmeal
4 scoops vanilla protein powder
1/4 cup bran
1/4 cup golden flax seeds
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup milk
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter (I have used PB2, but the bars don't stick together too well)
1/4 cup sesame seeds (Penzeys sells these in one lb bags for a reasonable price)
1/4 cup almonds and/or sunflower seeds
1/4 cup millet
mix together the dry ingredients first
add milk and PB, stir for two minutes
spread mixture out in 9 x 13 pan
sprinkle with Splenda
divide into 8 (you could adjust this too)
approx 325 calories/bar (more if you add nuts)
14 grams protein
10+ grams fiber