First Set of Appts at PNC

Tam Tam
on 9/2/10 7:22 am - Chanhassen, MN
I have my First set of Appts tomorrow at PNC. I am so Nervous and can't wait for this New Journey to Begin in my Life. They said this is what I am doing tomorrow...I have to Fast for 12 Hrs and no Alcohol or Vitamins for 24 Hrs beforehand. I see a Nurse, and a Surgeon along with Lab Work then my good Ole Psych testing. A 4 - 4 1/2 Hr Appt. I am rso ready for this. I still have to finish my Journeywell Appt that I have to do through Healthpartners so no way am I having Surgery in the month of Sept. I will be having it in Oct sometime. I am so excited. I believe PNC did say that I have 2 sets of Appts to do like this. Next ones will be for 3 Hrs...Anyone else tell me what I am to expect tomorrow and in the next set of Appts with PNC. Please tell me so I can settle down a little and Relax....
Connie D.
on 9/3/10 1:28 am
Hi Tam Tam...sorry I don't know anything about PNC.

I just want to wish you the best. Being nervous is normal.
Everything will fall into place. Try to are making a great decision....for a new healthy and happier life!!

Hugs....connie d
on 9/3/10 2:06 am - Chanhassen, MN
Hi, I am also going through PNC. I had my second set of appointments on 8/24. I still have to finish a total of 6 monthly appointments with the dietitician (for insurance) and am hoping for surgery in Jan/Feb.

I had my first appointments 7/30. I met with the nurse who went over my paperwork and explained the process toward surgery, and the rest of the steps. I got a lot of reading material to take home. She gave me an apnea link to take home to screen for sleep apnea.  I also met with the bariatric physician, had an EKG.and then I took an online psych test, just true/false answers.They took some blood and that was about it.

The second set of appointments were with the Dr to review blood test and EKG results. I met with the dietitician, I had to log three days of eating and we went over that, and made a plan to start changing eating habits in preparation. Met with the psychologist, who specializes in eating disorders, and reiewed the psych results. Then I met with a physical therapist to create an exercise plan. Also,since the apnea link showed sleep apnea, I had a sleep study done between the two sets appts and I had an appointment with the sleep store and was set up with CPAP. It was a pretty long day.

So nothing to worry about, everyone is very nice and they explain everything. They have been very helpful and attentive. I feel like I am finally seeing some hope for becoming healthy again.
Tam Tam
on 9/3/10 3:36 pm - Chanhassen, MN
Thank you For the Responses. My first set of appts were awesome. Long day but I believe well worth it. I also recieved the Sleep Apnea Monitor thing. I will do it tomorrow night. Second set of appts are set for Sept 27th starting at 7:30 AM. Early I know but I took the first available. My appts are the same as what you have to do also. I will be done in Oct with my Healthpartners requirement of the Phone classes. I am hoping to have Surgery at the end of Oct but.....have to wait and see what happens...Crossing my fingers and Yes everything is falling into place now....So Excited
on 9/9/10 4:02 am - Minneapolis, MN
I am also going through PNC.  I got my surgery date yesterday.  Depending on how long your insurance takes to approve you, figure about 6 weeks from the time you see the surgeon.  You don't get that appointment date until they have the insurance letter in their hand at Methodist.

I had to do the minnium amount of appointments, nothing extra and I started on June 15th and my surgery will be on October 19th.  Insurance only took 4 days to approve me (I have UHC).

Good luck to you!  The staff at PNC is really great!
Darla S.
on 9/9/10 5:22 am - Maple Grove, MN
I would like to help you with this, but I believe PNC has changed things up some since I was going through it.  Trust that PNC will lead you in the right direction - they're familiar with pretty much all of the insurance plans out there, and will guide you through whatever is required to be approved, so long as you're in the right place mentally and emotionally.

The unsolicited piece of advice I would offer you would be to start attending the support group meetings on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights of each month.  Different topics are discussed, as well as open time for questions and sharing.  I made a committment to myself and started going 2 months before I ended up having my RNY, and I have missed very few since.  It helps me stay mindful this far out, because they don't operate on your brain.  You HAVE to remain aware of the new relationship you'll have with food, because a lifetime of having a messed-up relationship with unhealthy foods and eating habits will creep back in eventually.  You have to stay in front of it.  Newer attendees get a lot of questions answered by the nurse clinicians and people further post op, and those of us further post-op are reminded of where we came from, of gift we were given. 

WLS isn't over once you reach goal.  We have to practice these eating habits for LIFE.  The awesome thing is, life is a whole lot more GRAND when you're no longer morbidly obese!!!

  Imperfect does not = unsuccessful

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