Right as Rain
Right as Rain
It was a dark and stormy night….or it seemed so at a little before 6 AM when I wheeled my bike out of the garage this morning for the 5 mile ride to the commuter train station. It was raining hard and I faced a stiff head wind gusting to something over 20 MPH at times. Ugh. I leaned into the wind, bore down on the pedals and cursed repeatedly and quite eloquently as I felt my thighs burn with the effort needed to make steady forward progress. Surprisingly, however, my grumpiness and profanity soon gave way to a strange sense of satisfaction about being healthy enough these days to bike in a rainstorm, even if I am a damned fool for having done so. In less than 25 minutes I arrived at the train station wet, bedraggled, a little winded, and feeling right as rain.