Nervous Wreck :(

(deactivated member)
on 8/3/10 8:38 pm

I'm so worried that I am going to get denied by the insurance company.

 I have PreferredOne and I'm halfway through the surgeon ordered 6 month diet. I am already down 9 pounds of the required 15 before surgery. I'm doing really well and going to the gym.

Dr. Ikramuddin said that insurance won't deny me, but how can he be so sure? I'm so worried that I am putting all of this effort into it to do well, and I'm scared I'll get denied by the insurance company :(

 I went through and read the reviews on OH of PreferredOne, but I did not see any DS surgeries approved by them. What if they think my BMI isn't high enough for a DS? It's 45 now since I lost a few and I have no comorbities...yet. :(

I want a DS and if I have to self-pay I will. But I'm sure ANW will want all of the money before the surgery and I know I can't come up with that much :( Does anyone know if ANW lets you make monthly payments for surgeries?

I just want to cry. I'm so worried. I'll be just devastated if I can't have my surgery in November like I plan.


Does anyone have any words of encouragement, advice, or reassurance for me? I just want to crawl in a hole and cry :(

Marsha F.
on 8/3/10 11:00 pm
Hey there, I wouldn't worry about it just yet...... Just do what your told and you will be fine....... If for some reason they deny you  just appeal it..........  Keep your chin up girlie everything will be fine....................I am rootin for ya...........
(deactivated member)
on 8/3/10 11:49 pm - Clear Lake, MN

My only advice is don't worry.....If your Doctor thinks you will be approved, chances are you will be.....They go through this with every patient and have pretty good ideas who will be approved and who will have to fight for it.....So hang in there.....Think positive......

I know easier said then done.......Keep positive thoughts....And I'll say a prayer that insurance comes through for you.....  


Darla S.
on 8/3/10 11:59 pm - Maple Grove, MN
Worrying won't do you any good, just focus on what you've been told you need to do by your insurance company, and stick with it.  It's not like you want to sabotage the progress you've already made, right? 

As for whether or not your insurance will cover the DS?  Guessing and wondering is obviously stressing you out - call them and ask point blank.   If they are rock solid on NOT covering the DS, then you need to make a decision.  What's more important to you - the DS vs. other options, or having your surgery in November, like you plan? 

That will lead to your next question.  If you are open to the RNY or band, you can probably proceed towards your goal of November.  If not, then you need to talk to one of the financial assistance people at ANW to discuss your payment options.

Put all the energy you are giving to worrying into something more productive!  It'll happen - when it's supposed to. 

  Imperfect does not = unsuccessful

on 8/4/10 12:23 am
 Hey there!!  We're having the same surg. with the same surgeon!  Kelly is right-Dr. Ikk has done this sooo many times, he knows who will give you a prob and who won't.  He WILL go to bat for you too!  
I went through the process 4 years ago before our ins. covered it and he called personally to plead with the ins. co.  In the end, I got the band and for me didn't do a thing.  I'm on pins and fricken needles as well now to get approved for the DS as a revision.  They do cover the DS now but who knows, maybe not as a revision.  
I keep telling myself that there is a reason for everything....the last time I was denied, I found out that I needed urgent med. treatment within days of the denial-so see, there's a reason!
I feel like this is my absolute last chance and I'm desperate to lose and be HEALTHY-the other things are a bonus.

starting wt-320
pre op-312
on 8/4/10 1:01 am - New Ulm, MN
 I have PreferredOne through my dad who works for the city.  When we applied my moms insurance threw holy hell [BCBS ~ evil people] but PreferredOne approved me so fast it was almost ridiculous.  They didn't even try to make me jump through hoops or anything of the sort.  I also had the DS and was at about the same bmi as you ... about 48 at my highest?  

I hope this works for you!!

Live out loud!  How many people's lives have you touched recently?  Pay it forward

Connie D.
on 8/4/10 1:53 am are doing everything right....your doctor knows what he is talking about...believe in him. You will be approved....just follow his suggestions and keep on that positive path!!

We all worried about our all works out.

Hugs....connie d
Angi N.
on 8/4/10 4:01 am - New Richmond, WI

I know it's hard not to get worked up over this, especially when it is something so important.
I am guessing your surgeon has done enough surgeries to get a feel for what is denied and what isn't, so just trust him.  What you are feeling is completely normal.  I freaked out also that I was going to be denied...and guess what?  I am one year post op. :)
(deactivated member)
on 8/4/10 7:00 am
Thank you all :) I just don't want anything to go wrong at this point....stupid anxiety....
Diamond Girl
on 8/4/10 6:06 pm - Ham Lake, MN
 If we had a dollar for every one who went through this anxiety on the road to WLS...
LOL, but you get my drift.

P1 = piece of cake w/ DS approval from history (they even approve what we call "lightweights" for the DS, so be HAPPY you have this insurance!), so try to keep your thoughts positive. Crap, I had BCBS, appealed twice and won - so even if you have to go that route, it CAN be done!

Don't spin your wheels on this Leigh. Focus on continuing that pre-op WL. That's where Dr. I. will get fussy with you. He's pretty adamant about it.

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