Dr. Buck and Dr. Ikk patirnts.....
I can't recall how to spell them right now??? lol
So I'm hoping to be switched soon and it's been bothering me that I'll need to stay at the hospital a few days-the docs won"t come and set up at my house-imagine??? lol
I'm having it done open as I have a TON of scar tissue to be cleaned up and for other reasons.
How is the hospital/stay?? I know there are nursing shortages all over and these poor nurses run their butts off but hoping they aren't too sparse.
I'll be there are few days-2, 3 maybe and am wondering what the chances of a private room are??
Thanks in advance for the help kids!!!
So I'm hoping to be switched soon and it's been bothering me that I'll need to stay at the hospital a few days-the docs won"t come and set up at my house-imagine??? lol
I'm having it done open as I have a TON of scar tissue to be cleaned up and for other reasons.
How is the hospital/stay?? I know there are nursing shortages all over and these poor nurses run their butts off but hoping they aren't too sparse.
I'll be there are few days-2, 3 maybe and am wondering what the chances of a private room are??
Thanks in advance for the help kids!!!
starting wt-320
pre op-312
starting wt-320
pre op-312
Chances of a private room are next to nothing. All the rooms there are double rooms. I had complications after my procedure and had a roommate for most of my stay. I only had one roommate that was horrible, the nurses switched me to a different room the next day. As will all hospitals you will have the good and bad, I had 2 nurses over 10 days that I had to "talk" to as they were not on time with my oral pain meds. After I "talked" to them they were fine. Overall I had as pleasant of a stay as possible. My surgery was 4 weeks ago so it was pretty recent. Let me know if you have any other questions I can anwser. Oh ya once on the liquid diet stay away from the sugar free jello. It's gross.
Hey, Ronda!
It wasn't too horrible of an experience, considering. I had one absolute evil ***** of a nurse, but the rest of the staff were great. I was there 5 days (standard for Buchwald patients) and didn't have any issues other than the one horrible nurse. Contrary to what others have posted here, there ARE private rooms, but only a couple and they fill up fast, so the chances are pretty slim. A good friend of mine had complications and ended up being re-admitted, and she lucked out into a single room.
It wasn't too horrible of an experience, considering. I had one absolute evil ***** of a nurse, but the rest of the staff were great. I was there 5 days (standard for Buchwald patients) and didn't have any issues other than the one horrible nurse. Contrary to what others have posted here, there ARE private rooms, but only a couple and they fill up fast, so the chances are pretty slim. A good friend of mine had complications and ended up being re-admitted, and she lucked out into a single room.
I was in for 6 days (had an open RNY) and the nursing care was terrific. I had one nurse *****ally advocated for me, for an increase in pain meds when the resident didn't want to increase the dose. I am a nurse myself, so I know how busy the staff can be. I had one nursing assistant who was less than helpful, but overall, I cannot praise the nursing staff enough.
I did request a private room at during pre-admission, but they are on an 'as available' basis' and I ended up in a semi private room.
I was re admitted a couple of weeks later, and got a private room- just lucked out.
Imagine...LOL! I love your attitude!
The hospital is older but it's not too bad. You should mention your concern to Dr. I. He may have more pull with the hospital getting you a private room. I had a roommate who was in for non WLS issues and I should have requested a different room, but she eventually got a private room since she was in long-term and one opened up. Then on my last night, I got some old lady in her 80's who was pretty much there to die. Yeah, I know, not pleasant, but I didn't really care. I was just there to recover and it was over Christmas so I just dealt with it.
I was in for 5 days and had good nurses. The only time I remember being upset about the staff is that I felt very nauseated at one point, pushed the buzzer, and nobody came. I was in the chair at the time and tried to get to the bathroom. Didn't make it and started with the dry heaves. Hurt like heck because of the NG tube I still had in. And pissed myself silly, too. What a mess! Finally someone came to my rescue and wow did they apologize. And if you don't like one of your nurses, just ask for another one. You have that right as a patient!
You'll have plenty of visitors taking you for walks anyhow, so don't worry too much my friend!
The hospital is older but it's not too bad. You should mention your concern to Dr. I. He may have more pull with the hospital getting you a private room. I had a roommate who was in for non WLS issues and I should have requested a different room, but she eventually got a private room since she was in long-term and one opened up. Then on my last night, I got some old lady in her 80's who was pretty much there to die. Yeah, I know, not pleasant, but I didn't really care. I was just there to recover and it was over Christmas so I just dealt with it.
I was in for 5 days and had good nurses. The only time I remember being upset about the staff is that I felt very nauseated at one point, pushed the buzzer, and nobody came. I was in the chair at the time and tried to get to the bathroom. Didn't make it and started with the dry heaves. Hurt like heck because of the NG tube I still had in. And pissed myself silly, too. What a mess! Finally someone came to my rescue and wow did they apologize. And if you don't like one of your nurses, just ask for another one. You have that right as a patient!
You'll have plenty of visitors taking you for walks anyhow, so don't worry too much my friend!