Vitamin D levels too high?
I had my bloodwork done yesterday for my 1 year post op appt that is coming up and the nurse called to tell me that my Vitamin D levels are unusually high. She said it was odd, because people normally do not get enough Vitamin D in their bodies, and asked if I was taking a supplement, which I'm not. I take a woman's once daily vitamin but that is all.
Normal levels are between 25-80 and mine is at 134
Has anyone else had issues like this? She didn't sound too overly concerned, just told me to cut down on dairy (which I will) and to limit my exposure outside. It sounds like we are going to wait until the rest of my bloodwork comes back and see if anything else is out of whack.
Normal levels are between 25-80 and mine is at 134

Has anyone else had issues like this? She didn't sound too overly concerned, just told me to cut down on dairy (which I will) and to limit my exposure outside. It sounds like we are going to wait until the rest of my bloodwork comes back and see if anything else is out of whack.
I take a supplement as my Vitamin D was low in the past. I just had my 4 year lab work done, my level is alittle elavated (90) but my doctor said that is okay, better too high, you just pee it out, Vitamin D is not toxic. Also, in the winter it could go down again. She also said that eatting diary doesn't help us with Vitamin D or calcium becuase of the intestinal re-routing. Everyone is differrent but it doesn't sound like as issue. Good luck-