Really, really, really missed the taste of food this week!
I have had a hard week and it has been hard not being able to eat my emotions.

I'm a band failure, not sure why but the powers that be think it's a "metabolic" issue (chemo related) and the band won't help me...I totally believe in the band tho-for other people.
Any way, food hasn't been the same for me either, and that's OK. I over ate and used food as a crutch thus, I'm fat.
I've had some time to deal with my emotions and feelings about WHY I over ate and feel confidant that on my new path, I will treat it as it is....a bite or two of something that tastes good, that I need in small portions and other than that, the love affair is
Hope it makes sense because it's taken a long time for my brain to realize that I idolized food and treated my body horribly for years with it.
God Bless my friend.....:)
starting wt-320
pre op-312
And those emotions? Yeah, that's the rollercoaster ride we all talk about...just try to embrace it and take your life right now in 12 hour increments, knowing that in 12 hours, things will be just a little bit better.
Pretty soon you'll be amazed at all the WOW's you're having and one of which I know will be the taste of food has returned for you.
The taste thing did return to normal for me, unfortunately, but I try to let a very small portion do the trick. Someone told me once, and it really is true - you REALLY only enjoy the first few bites of a favorite food, anyway. After that, it's just shoveling. So if you REALLY PAY ATTENTION to those few bites of something you really enjoy, they become enough! You are enjoying the quality, not the quantity.
I have also discovered that I have a new-found taste for things that are SPICY! Jalapenos, salsa, wasabi, pepperjack cheese... whodathunkit? NOT ME! But see if you can find some WLS friendly things that maybe you didn't care for before, and give 'em a try! You may find yourself enjoying things you never thought you would!
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
I find that I really enjoy foods that are sweet. Fruit comes back up, which is a bummer because that may satisfy my sweet tooth, but I am looking for protein enriched sweet items. I am doing really well with it all. I just miss enjoying good tasting food. I love to cook and I have made my favorite items and I could take them or leave them.
But the important thing is that I want to EAT TO LIVE not Live to eat like I used to. :)
They have a great selection of flavors, and since I can't tolerate protein shakes, my surgeon is fine with me eating them because it's a great way for me to get protein. You need to be careful eating them though, small bites and chew well - I'd hate to get it stuck.
There are several fruit flavored bars, and chocolate flavored bars. My favorites are the Berry Almond and the Chocolate Peppermint Stick. There's a flavor for any craving because they also make a tart lemon one, and a lighter flavored blueberry one.
I hope this helps, and congrats with how much you've lost already!
I know it's a big change. I was forcing myself to eat for a long time. Now lots of stuff tastes really good again................... good thing, bad thing!