Free Boxer to good hom
If anyone is looking for a good dog - here it is! His name is Remington - Remi for short.
He is not fixed, his ears are cropped - 2 years old. The owner has 2 males - they are just too much for him.
Please let me know if you would be interested and I can get you in contact with the owner. He just wants to make sure he goes to a good home.
(deactivated member)
on 6/30/10 1:04 am - Clear Lake, MN
on 6/30/10 1:04 am - Clear Lake, MN
I have fostered dogs for MARS, Midwest animal rescue service.....If he can't find homes for these dogs have him contact MARS, they are in brooklyn Park...
They take and re-home animals.....Kelly
(763) 503-4990
I have fostered dogs for MARS, Midwest animal rescue service.....If he can't find homes for these dogs have him contact MARS, they are in brooklyn Park...
They take and re-home animals.....Kelly
(763) 503-4990