Appreciating Your Everyday Life
Appreciating Everyday Life
To the common rabble (those who are not on a WLS journey) it is easy to take everyday things and experiences for granted. Being able to tie your shoes without straining, walking without pain, climbing a flight of stairs without gasping for air, fitting behind your steering wheel with room to spare, trying on clothes in sizes without multiple X’s on the label, not being overheated most of the time, having someone check you out in the grocery store, noticing someone who smiles at you instead of looking away, feeling like you could achieve almost anything physically if you wanted to, rather than just wishing it was possible…..and on and on. There is an old saying about one man’s junk being another man’s treasure. These small experiences are like bits of treasure to me; they enrich my life immeasurably yet seem almost valueless to those who haven’t traveled on the road to obesity like we have. Do you find yourself appreciating your everyday life more now than you did before? What small experiences are especially meaningful to you?
Just blending in with society.
Having friends and colleagues that never knew you fat or never knew you had WLS.
Lori J.
It's better to be imperfectly happy than perfectly unhappy.
* swimming in over-sized sweatshirts/hoodies
* wearing things that are more fitted, 'cuz that NEVER happened before!
* feeling my thighs NOT rubbing together
* walking past a scary looking pack of teenagers and not worrying about them snickering at me
* feeling my rings, that have already been re-sized two full sizes down, spin around on my fingers
* seeing veins and tendons & such on my hands and feet
* the ever-popular collar bones
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
Sitting in my office chair in my new job and not having my butt touch the sides of the chair
Wearing a belt
Having guys hold the door open for me even though I'm a few steps behind them
Cars stopping for me to allow me to cross the street
having people talk to me in the elevator or while walking down the hall instead of trying to avoid staring at me and pretending I'm not there
Getting something to eat for lunch and not being ashamed with HOW MUCH I'm eating and knowing that everyone else is thinking "Well, no wonder she's fat..."
Being able to lay down with my daughter and all of her babies on the couch and having enough room for all 5,123,345,546,567,568.3 of us
I could go on and on since this journey is still so surreal to me but I do have to say that I am enjoying the ride!