Three Women at Once
It happened on a train just before midnight tonight. No, this isn't a ruse, exactly...just a little something to make you wonder about me. I was returning from a business trip late tonight and among the passengers riding the light rail train between the airport and downtown Minneapolis were three women in their early 20's sitting together about halfway back on the same rail car as I was on. Several times during the first 15 minutes of our half hour trip I noticed a young man of a similar age approach them, talk for a couple of minutes, then return to the back of the train to sit down. I didn't think much of it at first because, well, what the heck do I know about the current rules of social engagement between people that age? Upon his third return visit, though, I noticed that the young ladies looked uncomfortable, so I walked back and asked them if he was bothering them. He was. I told him to take a hike and he hesitated at first. I don't really know what look came over my face just then, but he bolted to the back of the train like his arse was on fire and he stayed there for the rest of the train ride. The three young women all thanked me at once, as did another woman sitting nearby. The three of them thanked me again with smiles on their faces as I left the train. I smiled back and walked into the night.
Good for you for getting involved. You might have saved them from something, you never know. You must have given him a look like you'd kick his ass if he didn't leave the women alone. A person needs a look like that when riding the light rail at midnight!
Lori J.
It's better to be imperfectly happy than perfectly unhappy.
I love this story, RP! You should feel good about this. If more people watched out for each other, I'm convinced, crimes would lessen. Whether or not he was truly a threatening type, you sent a message to everyone there. YOU care and you don't mind getting involved. I like that!!
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...