How Sweet The Sound
How Sweet the Sound
My early morning walks have been unremarkable these past two days. By the time I returned home yesterday morning it was cold enough for frost to have formed on the collar of my coat. This morning there was light fog visible at the outer edge of the range of my flashlight. Not much in the way of excitement. I saw no wildlife, only a few cars passed me on the road, the occupants practically invisible in the dark, I had no profound thoughts or insights, nothing that came to mind brought me joy or sadness; there was just the sound of my footsteps in the snow.
Yet as I approached home today it occurred to me that the sound of my footsteps returning from another hum-drum walk was also the sound of a man who has found his way to a healthier life, one who is now able to squarely face the trials and tribulations of his life, even if sometimes shakily so, without reaching for the Ben & Jerry’s or anything else, save for some determination. I have walked something in excess of 2,000 miles since starting my pre-surgery weight loss program two years ago. At roughly 2.5 feet per step, that amounts to something well over 4 million steps, a staggering number (pun intended). So maybe the sound of my footsteps isn’t so mundane after all; it is the sweet sound of bringing an unhealthy man back to life.