Thanks for the bone density/weight reminder Darla
I wanted to thank Darla for reminding us in a reply that she posted that our bones are more dense than people who have been average weight their whole lives- therefore we probably weigh more in pounds than someone with smaller bones who is the same size as we are...
Keep this in mind.. we may have stronger and healthier bones because we were heavy for so long.. so we need to keep that bone density up by taking our supplements and eating healthy foods that contribute to bone loss prevention.
At one of my last visits I was reminded of this by my dietitian...
And its also a reminder than even though the scale makes you think you're not thin enough, often times your body says wait a minute, yes you are... You are at a healthy weight and you can tell everyone finally, even though you're average weight, that yes, you're big boned! ha ha!
This is definitely true. I look like I weigh a lot less than I do. I've asked people how much they think I weigh and they usually say 135-140 when in fact I'm at 157 as of this morning and I'm wearing a size 8 pants.
Those numbers don't make sense unless something inside me weighs a ton....aka bones and muscles!
So go by how your clothes fit and how your health is...not by the numbers on the scale.
Lori J.
It's better to be imperfectly happy than perfectly unhappy.
I've heard so many bits of wisdom over the past 3 years that I've been active on the boards, with PNC, and coffee - sometimes I forget to share with newer folks who often times haven't heard everything I have.
Here's another - the 3-bite rule: Chances are that when you're eating something you really crave, it's the first 3 bites that you truly enjoy and savor. After that? You're just shoveling. SO - if you are craving something so much that you can't get it off your mind, allow yourself just 3 bites. Take your time, truly enjoy the taste, the texture, whatever it is you love about that thing. You'll satisfy that craving, you won't feel deprived, and you won't sabotage your "diet" for the day.
Just don't allow yourself to do this with each and every thing you crave, nor do you want to allow yourself to do it every day. The less frequent, the smaller the quantity, the BETTER it satisfies!!! Whodathunkit?
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful