5 days in hospital but home now from Open VBG
Goodness! I am home now and my surgery went well. I also had a bit of an exploratory and my surgeon found NO wvidence of Crohns Disease however my appendix was enflamed and infected and she came out too!
I have an 8-10" line of staples and am still really sore and often tearful but today I can say I am glad I did it.
I gained 7.5 lbs the 1st 5 days, but since then lost it all plus!!! I am down 12.4 lbs since I was admitted 1 week ago today.
I havent dont much of any walking because I am SO sore yet and am just too sore to do much. I have walked around the house for 5 minutes several times a day.
Thanks to all who talked me thru this and who wished me well.
Im on my way!!!!! 12.4 in 1 week is good if you ask me!!!!
I have an 8-10" line of staples and am still really sore and often tearful but today I can say I am glad I did it.
I gained 7.5 lbs the 1st 5 days, but since then lost it all plus!!! I am down 12.4 lbs since I was admitted 1 week ago today.
I havent dont much of any walking because I am SO sore yet and am just too sore to do much. I have walked around the house for 5 minutes several times a day.
Thanks to all who talked me thru this and who wished me well.
Im on my way!!!!! 12.4 in 1 week is good if you ask me!!!!
Congrats on making it to the losers' bench, Cat! Glad to hear to came through okay. I had my RNY lap, but I had an open surgery in June, so I know what you're going through. My doc left the staples in for five weeks! Just take it easy and don't overdo it and you'll be fine. And congrats on the no Crohn's disease!