In the Still Of The Night
In the Still of the Night
As I stepped out of my house early this morning, the moon shone brightly overhead, making what I could see of the world a study in fuzzy monochrome. I walked briskly for two miles in that soft light. The air was cold and still. Frost was abundant, thickening the texture of exposed surfaces. I could still discern the color of objects within a few feet of me; everything else was black, white, or some shade of gray.
It was those shades of gray that I pondered as I kept moving and let my mind wander. As I have struggled to re-define who I am in this thinner, more energetic body, I have demanded of myself a clear vision of what I wanted and why I wanted it before setting off in any particular direction. I spent a lot of time spinning around, feeling lost and confused as to why no path offered that clarity. It occurred to me that perhaps I just need to move in the direction that draws me, to get close enough to actually see if the grass is green out that way or just another shade of gray. Venturing away from the familiar will require me to have faith in myself; to believe that what I want and need is acceptable, to trust the man I have become.
When I neared home, my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of something moving to my left. I caught the silhouette of a deer 20 yards away, alert to my presence, but not yet moving. As I continued walking, she scampered off the other way. I turned up my driveway, glad for the insight gained during my walk.
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...