Sometimes in the middle of the night I'll get up and check on my little ones. Their rooms face the backyard with a nice treeline and the other night it was so bright I saw two deer going for a midnight stroll.
Thanks for the nice visual and thoughts, RP!
I, too, was loving the moon shadows I saw of me last night when I took the dog out for the last time. I was amazed at how bright the moon was....again at 5;30 this morning, too. I am always in awe of bright moonshine - it makes me happy.
I found this online....
Stevens wrote this about finding hope in any situation. Be present and joyful. See life as it is, right now, and don't compare it to others' lives, or other times in your life. Every moment in life is rich and unique; whether we are aware of it or not, we are always leaping and hopping on a moonshadow - the inescapable present moment. If we are wrapped up in our whirlpools of worry and concern about what could be, or what has been, we are missing the richness of life as it is.
Fun looking at the hairstyles, glasses and clothing styles again.
RP....wonderful post, thank you :)