Strength, Courage and Fortitude
Strength, Courage and Fortitude
Strength. Courage . Fortitude. All of us here, whether you are a pre-op, newbie, or a veteran of this battle against obesity, have some measure of those admirable traits by virtue of the fact that you have taken action, any action, against that awful foe. Yet there are days when those traits seem ephemeral, so fleeting, so not there for us when we are struggling, that we slide toward despair or try to comfort ourselves by reverting to some of our old habits. It is at those times, when we feel vulnerable, or perhaps even embarrassed about our own behavior, that we most need to reach both within ourselves and out to our fellow travelers on this journey to find our way again. Our collective combination of strength, courage and fortitude is truly awe-inspiring. Lean on others when you are weak, even if that weakness lasts for months or years. Let others lean on you when you are strong, even if that strength lasts for only a few moments at a time. For, in the end, we can be each others’ hope and solace.
I know these things to be true, yet in recent months I have, for the most part, failed to avail myself of that support to the degree I should have. I can and will do better with that in the months ahead. What about you? Are you seeking out the support you need?
Thank you for your kind words. Most of what I write is either a message of hope for myself or an admonishment to do better. I am so glad that whatever I have written has helped someone else to the point where reading your reply literally brought tears of joy to my eyes. Thank you for that.
Most of us did a lot of research before actually having WLS - or at least we should have. And somewhere in the midst of all that research was a little factoid to the effect of - 'those who actively participate in post-operative support groups have far more success in losing weight and keeping it off than those who don't.' (paraphrased).
So, I made a commitment to do just that. PNC's support group, OH, coffee get togethers - they all keep this gift I was given (WLS) a high priority in my life. Would it be lovely to be able to live my life like I've always been a "normal" size?? SURE! But then again... I'd miss all the friends I've made along the way. And I'd be too afraid that I'd become complacent and start slipping back up the scale.
I have seen a fair number of people get to a weight where they feel successful and sassy, then disappear. Somewhere down the road, some of them find themselves struggling, gaining, feeling like they're failing, and they dip their toes back into the support pool. That's a GOOD thing.
But a BETTER thing is to not trot off to la-la land feeling 10 feet tall and bullet proof in the first place! This is a lifelong deal.
That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it!
Good lord, somebody take away my coffee....
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
I can only encourage you to seek out the support that you need. We all have our challenges and weaknesses....we are human after all. So, please consider re-joining your old support group(s) and coffee gatherings. I am certain that people there will be pleased to see you again.
Take care,
Kristy K.
Obesity Help Support Group Leader
"On the lighter side" Everyone and anyone welcome!