I Rode Through the City on a Bike with No Brakes
I Rode Through the City on a Bike with No Brakes
There is a huge contingent of younger people out there who ride bicycles with no brakes whatsoever, including my oldest son. These bikes are called fixed gears or fixies upon which the pedals move whenever the bike is moving. To slow down, you have to either resist the forward momentum of the bike and your weight with the power in your own legs, which can be hard on the knees, or, if you are more desperate, you can use the side of your foot to apply pressure to the rim on the rear tire. It has become popular to re-build old ten speeds as fixies with wild, homemade paint jobs. Some bike manufacturers are also making new fixies that are extremely light with frame geometries modeled after track racing bikes. My son’s fixie is one of the latter, weighing less than 20 pounds, with very skinny tires. It is the fastest, most responsive bike I have ever ridden….and probably the scariest. I didn’t ride very far on his bike there in hilly
While I don’t think I will be buying or building a fixie for myself any time soon, several bicycle manufacturers also make fast, light single speed bikes with freewheels AND brakes that are more up my alley. Something to dream about in the colder months ahead…..uh, well, I have also been thinking about commuting by bike over the winter on a single speed bike here in