Gas Pains
Since you had open surgery, I'm not sure how "bendable" you are, but ... one thing that helped me after WLS was to lay on my back and raise my knees to my chest - kind of like babies scrunch up when they have gas pains. Also, if you're able to put any gentle pressure on your midsection - I used to gently lay against the side of the bed or over an ottoman/footrest - the key is gently!
I hope you feel better soon!
I hope you feel better soon!
my recent surgery was open, too, so I know what you're going through. I found that gently, slowly making my way over to lay on my side was helpful. Some people swear that laying on your left side is most effective, but even THAT is a major ordeal with where you're at right now.
If they can't give you anything, just try ANY position you can tolerate that isn't reclining in the bed. That's the WORST for getting any relief from gas! laying flat, if you can manage it, is better.
Thinking of you...
If they can't give you anything, just try ANY position you can tolerate that isn't reclining in the bed. That's the WORST for getting any relief from gas! laying flat, if you can manage it, is better.
Thinking of you...
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful