My grandma update OT
Yay I have my gramms back. She is realizing my brothers crap.. I went to visit my dads grave and I was shocked he doesn't even have a stone...... I was boiling pissed....... I went into Fargo to a flower store and found this pretty stone that said something like.......If tears could build a stairway I would cry and come to heaven and bring you home again......... So Laurie and I went out and planted flowers, and hung up the stepping stone. I have to tell you that yesterday when we first got out there and I seen he had nothing, My dad was playing jokes on me...... I had a snake that went right in front of me making me scream almost ******g myself then there were lots of toads jumping at me and following me and I believe my dad was doing that to make me laugh and feel better He was just that type a guy......... I then told my gramms that if my brother ever does anything to the stuff out there I will call the police..... Anyways enough of that.........Thanks for all the input on what to do with her. I am really glad I went..........