Cramps: feet, legs, ankles & eye twitches
Not sure if this WLS related or not.
I am 7+ months out from RNY and have struggled with horrible cramps/muscle spasms of my feet: toes/ankles/calves. Somtimes they are horrible and wake me up 2 to 3 times a night. And this past week; my one eye has been twitchy continuously.
I just had my 6 months labs done and everything was normal. I have increased to 2 multi-vitamins a day and added Vitamin D also. But I believe muscles cramps are more related to potassium and magnesium. I drink tons of water so I don't think it is dehydration; but with the heat lately it could be? (I drink between 80-100 oz. daily)
Has anyone else seen an increase in cramps after WLS?
Thanks for your input ~
I have to concur. Not enough fluids cause such leg cramps that I literally find I cannot stand up. Been there before. Sip sip sip and get as much fluids in as possible. Caffeinated beverages do not count...they dehydrate you even more. If by chance you are getting that 64 oz of decaffeinated beverages in...then go to your doctor to see what is going on.
I get muscle spasms when I am dehydrated.
I get leg cramps when I get dehydrated. On days when I don't get much exercise, I take in 64 to 80 oz of water. On days when I do exercise a fair amount, especially on hot days, I take in 128 to 160 oz of water. I didn't exercise much prior to WLS and I didn't have problems with leg cramps except when I did something strenuous. Since I didn't pay much attention to my water intake before, I can only speculate that thos leg cramps were also related to bein gdehydrated.
I know you said you had our lab lately and they were ok. . Did they test your potassium and are you tracking your results? I get a copy of my labs and track them on exel to watch for trends. Your results may still be in the normal range but if they are going down steadaly your body may be reacting to the change.
hope you find out what it is.
hope you find out what it is.
I recently saw my Internal medicine Dr regarding this same thing. The information is minimal but bariatric Pt's. have a tendency for increased night leg cramps. It is not well studied so other then abnormal electrolytes or dehydration they really don't know why. I would talk to your Md about it. Mine suggested benadryl or tylenol PM at bedtime. You should check with your Dr first. They sure are miserable though. good luck