"My Coming Out", so to speak! A WOW Moment!
Our small community had their annual summer festival a couple weeks ago. It's that one time of the year you see everyone and their brother. (The week end I used to dread the most, up to this year!!) It was really fun to watch people doing a double take when they would see me!! And a couple people actually told me I look great and wondered what I had been doing (no one knows I had surgery besides family). Anyways, on the way home my youngest son (12) said that his friend talked to him in the park and said "Hey Dude, not that I'm checking her out or anything but your mom lost alot of weight, what did YOU do to her? She's hot, not that I'm trying to be gross or anything!!" Only out of the mouths of kids!!!! I'll take it as a compliment even though he is only 12!!! Not to be gross or anything!!!! Ha-Ha!!!!!