Check out a GREAT new thrift store?
For those of you in the area Neighbor's Clothes Closet in S. St. Paul is having a bag sale of Women's Clothes starting Saturday. You can get a grocery shopping bag full of clothes for $7.00!! Shoes, jackets, shorts whatever. I am a faithful customer- prices are cheaper than Goodwill and all profits go to support the programs there. Anyone can shop at the store, it is run 100% by volunteers. They get great donations from several cosignment stores in the area.
Check it out: Neighbor's Clothes Closet
The sale is 6/27,6/29/6/30- they aren't open on Sunday
218 13th Avenue South St. Paul
(corner of 13th and Southview Blvd)
Hours Saturday 10-4, Monday 10-4, Tuesday 10-7.
Check it out: Neighbor's Clothes Closet
The sale is 6/27,6/29/6/30- they aren't open on Sunday
218 13th Avenue South St. Paul
(corner of 13th and Southview Blvd)
Hours Saturday 10-4, Monday 10-4, Tuesday 10-7.