Thank you
Hello everyone and thank you !!!
I have received so many messages and cards wishing me a good recovery. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!
I love this board and all you really terrific people!!!
I am coming along okay. The pain really sucks but I am not letting that get in the way of my recovery. I have PT an OT twice a day and I give it my all. I am determined to get home soon!!
I have never been the kind of person that can sit around watching TV such. I like to keep moving. This is driving me crazy!!
Thank you all for the good wishes, good thoughts and prayers. They are all so appreciated!
Love and hugs to you all.....connie d
I have received so many messages and cards wishing me a good recovery. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!
I love this board and all you really terrific people!!!
I am coming along okay. The pain really sucks but I am not letting that get in the way of my recovery. I have PT an OT twice a day and I give it my all. I am determined to get home soon!!
I have never been the kind of person that can sit around watching TV such. I like to keep moving. This is driving me crazy!!
Thank you all for the good wishes, good thoughts and prayers. They are all so appreciated!
Love and hugs to you all.....connie d