Coffee this Saturday WSP
I believe this is the address. It is located right in front of a K-Mart
West 7th Street
2340 West 7th Street
St. Paul, MN 55116
(651) 698-0437
WIFI Available
West 7th Street
2340 West 7th Street
St. Paul, MN 55116
(651) 698-0437
WIFI Available
Disregard Tammy's address or you'll end up near the airport! LOL
The largest cross street is Butler, just a couple more blocks south. Right by Signal Hills shopping center & K Mart
1193 South Robert Street,
West St. Paul, MN 55118
(651) 450-5511
The largest cross street is Butler, just a couple more blocks south. Right by Signal Hills shopping center & K Mart
1193 South Robert Street,
West St. Paul, MN 55118
(651) 450-5511
Highest: 349
Lowest: 175
Surgeon's Goal: 189
My Goal: A healtier happier me!!
2014 update...regained but haven't lost faith.