OT Wedding Spots South Of The River
We are still not settled on a wedding spot or reception venue south of the river for September 2010. Any suggestions for that since the topic is fresh? Yes, there is a tight budget.
Blessed are those who can give without remembering
And take without forgetting.
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
May You Fly with Eagles
Run with Wolves
Walk with Buffalos
Always be my Friend
And take without forgetting.
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
May You Fly with Eagles
Run with Wolves
Walk with Buffalos
Always be my Friend
I think I tried to call this place before but couldn't get a good phone number for them. Are they listed under this name?
Blessed are those who can give without remembering
And take without forgetting.
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
May You Fly with Eagles
Run with Wolves
Walk with Buffalos
Always be my Friend
And take without forgetting.
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
May You Fly with Eagles
Run with Wolves
Walk with Buffalos
Always be my Friend
That was the first place I called, they were $1,000.00 more than Crystal Lake Golf Course.
Blessed are those who can give without remembering
And take without forgetting.
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
May You Fly with Eagles
Run with Wolves
Walk with Buffalos
Always be my Friend
And take without forgetting.
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
May You Fly with Eagles
Run with Wolves
Walk with Buffalos
Always be my Friend
Depending on size of the wedding, there are other options.
I had my reception at Thomas Lake Park Pavillion in Eagan. We catered in and did it picnic style.
I just went to another wedding 3 weeks ago where the reception was at Old Chicago. They took over a whole room and had it decorated.
You can also get the Redwood Center on Cty Rd 42. http://www.ci.apple-valley.mn.us/parks/facilities/Redwood_Co mmunity_Center_and_Pool/main.html
And then there's always the Arts Center in Lakeville. http://www.ci.lakeville.mn.us/lakeville-area-arts-center/art s-center-location.html
I had my reception at Thomas Lake Park Pavillion in Eagan. We catered in and did it picnic style.
I just went to another wedding 3 weeks ago where the reception was at Old Chicago. They took over a whole room and had it decorated.
You can also get the Redwood Center on Cty Rd 42. http://www.ci.apple-valley.mn.us/parks/facilities/Redwood_Co mmunity_Center_and_Pool/main.html
And then there's always the Arts Center in Lakeville. http://www.ci.lakeville.mn.us/lakeville-area-arts-center/art s-center-location.html
Enjoying life and all of it's bumps and bruises along the way.
Enjoying life and all of it's bumps and bruises along the way.
Never heard of the Redwood Center I'll check that out. The park would be nice IF the weather held out, September can be windy and/or chilly. I never thought about the art center in Lakeville, that would be perfect if it worked out. THANKS!
Blessed are those who can give without remembering
And take without forgetting.
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
May You Fly with Eagles
Run with Wolves
Walk with Buffalos
Always be my Friend
And take without forgetting.
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
May You Fly with Eagles
Run with Wolves
Walk with Buffalos
Always be my Friend