Vitamin defeciency
Okay so I have not heard anything on my approval yet..grr grr...and I got a letter from the doc stating I need to take vitamin D tablets, one a week for 8 weeks, so I guess I cannot have surgery till I finish all those pills right??? talk about jumping through hoops...with all this jumping you would think I would lose
I was Vitamin D deficient too.. I took 50,000 units 3x per week for a month to up my levels. Hopefully I can maintain the bump by taking the Calcium + D that I need. I have no idea if you'll have your surgery while you're taking them or not. I would assume they can still do the surgery while you're taking the meds and upping your levels.
It's not unusual for us Minnesotans to have a vit. D deficiency. I take 1000 IU daily, and my levels were STILL a wee bit low when I had my labs done in April! So I'm taking 2000 IU daily for a month, then going back down to my 1000.
Do whatever your doc recommends... I don't know if you'd be postponed for surgery because of it, but your doc will! Whatever it takes, it's worth it.
Do whatever your doc recommends... I don't know if you'd be postponed for surgery because of it, but your doc will! Whatever it takes, it's worth it.
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful