Scared to Buy Clothes
I went shopping to pick up a few clothes, I was so excited to pick out things off the regular racks! But then I had an extreme attack of Guilt or fear- not sure how to explain it. All I could think of was- I have bought smaller clothes before when I lost weight- then gained it back and they sat in my closet for years.... What if this does not work... What if I gain back the weight.... I just can't seem to make myself believe that I am getting smaller and going to stay smaller!
Tell me if anyone else has felt this way or if I just have another case of "Cheri Lynn worries too much!"
5'2" - High Weight=224 / Current=145 / My Goal= 130
Believe in Miracles...
I know where you're coming from, the worry about failing AGAIN. Keep in mind that you ARE successful and will CONTINUE to be successful due to the tool you now possess. You did not have that before!
Cheri Lynn--you worry too much!

If it's about guilt, try looking at thrift stores. That is where I did ALL my shopping while shrinking. Now, I find that I still shop there and find such great deals and SAVE $$$$$!!!! Just a thought!
Hang in there, the brain takes forever to catch up.
~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
Click on link to see my journey!!!
"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with! Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!
Think positively - "This time I'm gonna buy these new things and WEAR THEM before I SHRINK OUT OF THEM!!!" 'cuz THAT'S Cheri Lynn's NEW problem - and it's a GOOD problem to have!
And if you have a hard time with it, I will offer you a challenge. Buy something that's a size SMALLER than you're currently wearing! And try it on every week or two - you'll be surprised by how SOON it'll fit you! I've done that with my favorite jeans -
(Sandy, cover your eyes...)
Wallyworld has these Faded Glory Tall Bootcut jeans that I have absolutely LOVED in every size! I bought my first at 24, then 22's, then 20's. I went back when I thought I was getting close to 18, and they had a pair of 16's on clearance for $6!!!
Wanna guess what I'm wearing today? 32's are GONE 4-EVAH, BABY!!! Turn off the fear, turn up the confidence. It feels GOOD!!
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
on 10/9/08 1:43 am - MN
And by the by girlie - you're looking smoking hot!!! I love your new avie pic!
My problem these days is forcing myself NOT to buy another SINGLE piece of clothing before surgery, knowing I won't get much use out of it, assuming surgery happens before year end. I don't even look through catalogs now, they go straight in the trash for fear I'll buy something. I can't wait to rid my walk in closet and three, yes three stand alone hanging RACKS of clothing in the basement forever! I'm sure the smallest size in there are 22's, thats way too many fat clothes for one person to own. DH will be so happy when the closet isn't overflowing anymore. Bring it on!
Kristy (weight loss below does not include 16lbs lost during pre WLS diet)
START: 325 Day of Surgery :309 GOAL: 180
And as far as guilt.... hoping I find some things at swapkins, but if not I have been able to find some great stuff at Platos Closet and I will have to make another trip!
Thanks again all- U'r the greatest!!!!
5'2" - High Weight=224 / Current=145 / My Goal= 130
Believe in Miracles...