been there done that but its still GREAT
Fall is here and I had no fall clothes so off to the thrift store to get some sweats. had been wearing a 18/20 or 2x tried on 1x to big xlg some fit some to big oh my God tried on larges and most of them fit. went in for one or two pairs walked out with six and not all sweats oh happy day ,feelng good in the neighborhood. Just sharing have a great day and fun week end Nancee Banded 2/5/08 total down 108 and counting :)
Congrats! You've done so well! If you ever want to meet, I'd love to chat! :) Maybe you could make a Maple Grove coffee? It's close to where you live!
It's every other Saturday morning at about 8:30am at the Byerly's in Maple Grove.... there's a Caribou and we sit outside (if it's warm enough) or inside. We'll be meeting tomorrow!