Digestive issues post surgery ? CAUTION- Graphic

Kristy A.
on 10/1/08 9:35 am - South Burbs, MN
Lately I've been questioning whether or not I should have WLS. After years of thinking about it, and now being done with 5 1/2 of the 6 month supervised weight loss attempt through Fairview, maybe it's just jitters.

My biggest fear post RNY is having my ongoing tummy feel upset and/or having poop issues. Sorry if TMI. I hate the feeling of nervous stomach, butterflies, anxious stomach, or the feeling I get if I don't take Prilosec, which is feeling nausiated all day. I don't want to have runny poops or tons of farts, or wet farts, or be constipated.

Does anyone have ongoing issues with upset stomach or poop/fart problems? (More than you had pre-surgery on the latter issues) I'm just nervous with all the cutting apart and putting back together than I'll have issues in one or both areas.

Feel free to PM me if you don't want to post here. Thanks!

Kristy   (weight loss below does not include 16lbs lost during pre WLS diet)
START:  325                            Day of Surgery :309                          GOAL:  180

Kris O.
on 10/1/08 10:01 am - Apple Valley, MN
I honestly have to say I have had no tummy troubles and I am almost 6 months out. I have regular normal BM's. The only problem I had right after surgery was a little diarrhea and that only lasted a few days. I think it was just my insides adjusting. I haven't had any nausea or weird stomach stuff. A gurgle here or there but that's it. As far as gas, I get the toots once in a while but I did before surgery too

Maybe I have been lucky so far, but I was just as nervous as you are before surgery. I was afraid I would feel sick to my stomach all the time but that hasn't been the case for me.

Keep asking questions, it wil;l help aleviate your fears :)

Kristy A.
on 10/1/08 10:38 pm - South Burbs, MN
Thanks Kris. Now that I'm coming to the end of the supervised WL attempt, I think more and more fears will come out, and I'll be asking for more of your guys' personal experiences.

Kristy   (weight loss below does not include 16lbs lost during pre WLS diet)
START:  325                            Day of Surgery :309                          GOAL:  180

Darla S.
on 10/1/08 10:44 am - Maple Grove, MN
Things WILL be different, your plumbing will be changed up!  But it's not so bad - the consistancy of poops is different for me, lighter.  Easier to get rid of, shall we say?  But not so much that I've ever had any kind of accident.  And I haven't had any kind of nausea - if you have it now, you may very well have it post-op as well, or it could clear up!  You won't know until you get there.

MY biggest issue is with gas.  I discovered relatively early on that MILK now causes me to get gassy.  And PNC's program has us drinking 3 glasses a day!  I just can't do that - to my family OR my co-workers.  So, I've had to substitute other sources of protein, and I have to be extra sure to drink enough - Milk helps cover your liquid AND protein requirements!  But I manage.  And I do fart - 'cuz I love me my lattes, and they have LOTS of milk in 'em!!!

Whatever issues you might face, I would be willing to bet the WEIGHT LOSS will make them very worth it!

  Imperfect does not = unsuccessful

Kristy A.
on 10/1/08 10:40 pm - South Burbs, MN
Darla- Do you do soy milk now, or is milk milk and you just can't do it, except for your lattes? I'm not anti fart believe me, I just don't want to be like a 24/7 farting machine. (or more than I am pre surgery)

Kristy   (weight loss below does not include 16lbs lost during pre WLS diet)
START:  325                            Day of Surgery :309                          GOAL:  180

on 10/1/08 10:58 am - Burnsville, MN
Don't RUN!!!!  Please!  I did the same thing that you are thinking of doing(not doing the RNY) 3 years ago.  I got where you are in the medically supervised diet and got scared.  3 years later and 409 lbs made me so wish I would have done this three years ago. 

You know that I am pretty fresh out of surgery at 6 weeks, but I have not had tummy troubles at all.  No upset stomach except once from the meds they sent me home from the hospital with.  Got them changed and it was over.  My BMs were runny for about 4 days at home, but all I was doing was liquids.  That changed and my BMs are much like they were before, but much less since I eat so much less.  As far as farting, I haven't been anymore gassy now than what I was before.  Never had an issue with pooping myself or anything like that.  OK, TMI but you asked!

I just transitioned into solid foods and it is going well.  I am down from 409 in May to 336 this morning.  I feel SO much better, even where I am at now.  Please, Please, Please call me or PM me to discuss more.  I know it is scary, but I have never felt more sure about anything in my life.  PM me for my number, I would be glad to talk!

Kristy A.
on 10/1/08 10:41 pm - South Burbs, MN
Hi Michael - Thanks for the feedback and reassurance. Don't fear, I'm not changing my mind, just going through and rationalizing I think. I'll PM you.

Kristy   (weight loss below does not include 16lbs lost during pre WLS diet)
START:  325                            Day of Surgery :309                          GOAL:  180

on 10/1/08 11:12 am - Rosemount, MN

I think that many of the tummy or digestive issues people have come from testing the waters - i know for me - that if I eat sugar or carbs i am going to have problems later - but if I follow the rules it is not a problem.  your body is different from mine as is everyone elses - so it is hard to say how your body will adjust to the new plumbing.

As for surgery - if I knew how good I would feel so soon after surgery and how much more energy and alive i feel now - i would do it again in a heartbeat. 


Kristy A.
on 10/1/08 10:44 pm - South Burbs, MN
Linda- It's so great to hear how great you felt after surgery and that you have no regrets. I always hesitate asking questions like this, since I know everyone is different. I think I just wanted confirmation that the body doesn't become a pooping or farting machine OR that it creates some horrid stomach feelings. (that weren't there pre surgery)

Kristy   (weight loss below does not include 16lbs lost during pre WLS diet)
START:  325                            Day of Surgery :309                          GOAL:  180

Kristi K.
on 10/1/08 11:45 pm - Twin Cities, MN
Hi Kristy,

I had the same concerns as you did prior to surgery. My grand mother had the surgery over 25 years ago, and let's just say she is one of the reasons I didn't want to do it!
But things have changed so much with the surgery! I am just over 6 months out, and I haven't had any tummy problems. Like the others said once in awhile something that you eat won't sit right, but other than that I haven't had any problems. I think the key is getting in veggies and some fruits to keep you regular.
Good luck, and know that your concerns are normal. This is the best thing I ever did for myself! I only wish I would have done it sooner!

Take care,
Kristi with an i

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