Update On My Shakey Feeling
I thought I'd been following the program fairly well. No soda. No crackers. rice, pasta. I've been taking in my 60 gm protein each day. I have snacked on granola bars. And now that I think about it, that might be what has been triggering these reactions. Yesterday I had a couple of graham crackers. I'm almost certain that was what triggered it yesterday. Oh well. Live and learn.
Thanks again. Now I don't feel like I'm alone. Y'all are terrific!
Lots of love and hugs to ya! Kel
For some reason...every 4 months, around my period I feel this way. I seem to have bouts of high blood pressure and low ferritin levels around this time. Very very weird.
This last time, they had me start taking iron and I am back on a BP med...but just one of the diuretics as they think the pressure might be caused by the excess water.
I would almost check in with your PCP as well
Good Luck!
on 9/30/08 3:22 am - MN
Glad to hear that you sought out professional advice! Sounds like you might have figured it out - but it's a great idea to journal what you're eating so you can see what triggers it. Take care of yourself girlie!
Y'all are fabulous! Thanks a million my friends.
I just looked in my Bariatric book, This is what it say's.......
Reactive Hypoglycemia is a symptom, not a disease. It may occur when food is delivered from the stomach into the intestine. This causes high levels of blood glucose (sugar). The result is an imbalance between blood glucose and insulin. Insulin stays in the blood after the glucose has been used, causing low blood sugar levels, or Hypoglycemia.
To treat reactive Hypoglycemia, take two glucose tablets, 2oz. juice or 2 oz. milk. Then eat a protein source ans a complex carb such as whole wheat toast or crackers or fruit.
To prevent reactive Hypoglycemia, avoid sweets, desserts, candy, non diet pop, caffeine, alcohol. Eat three well balanced meals that include protrin, whole grains, fruits, and veggies.
You probably already know this but I thought I would just jot it down........
I know you follow the rules, so I'm not sure why this is happening to you....Unless it's the granola bars??? Or caffeine in your coffee????
OT, I made 12 jars of salsa......1st time canning and they ALL sealed, YAY........
Take care, Kelly
Thanks, Mom! I sort of knew what it was. This helps. Thanks. I think the trigger yesterday may have been the graham crackers. Now that I think about it, the symptoms started around the time I started those darn granola bars. Maybe/maybe not. But I'll cut them out just incase. I do try and avoid the sweets, desserts, candy, pop, and alcohol. Caffeine - yeah, that is probably what did it a couple weeks ago. I had three lattes that day because I was so tired. There I go! Just have to be a little more careful. All in all, if this is the worst thing that happens, I'm pretty lucky.
Salsa Rules!!!! Tori discovered the jar over the weekend. She loves it. And that is impressive - especially since she doesn't like tomatoes.
You take such good care of me, mom! Thank you!
I suppose that's my new nickname (Mom).....
I can't believe that lady in Alabama thought I was your Mom.....OMG.....I know I'm old, but come on..........
I'm so glad Tori likes the salsa......It's healthy too.....Whoohoo.....Well I'll have plenty in the weeks to come.......I'll be making more tomorrow, I just couldn't cut up any more tomatoes today.....uhhh.....