Finally talked to Surgery Coordinator
I finally talked with her! Finally! (If you didn't read my previous post, I had been trying to get a hold of the surgery coordinator/insurance information guru at my surgeon's office for 2 weeks.)
I had an appointment at the clinic today with a weight loss doctor and talked ****omplained) to the nurse?/assistant?. She said to call today as the coordinator doesn't have any seminars on Mondays. She also gave me the name of someone else to call.
I got back to work, called the surgery coordinator...and almost fell off my seat when she answered! I made sure she had the letter from my primary care doctor. Then I asked her how it would work to get the approval process started after I finished my psych eval. She was still arguing that I had BCBS of MN and that I needed 6 dietitian visits. Supposedly she never received my letter with the insurance info. She looked up the Anthem information and I read her what I had sent her.
She said the afternoon when I get home from my psych eval (assuming it's positive) I am to call her and we'll set a surgery date. I'm so excited! I should know my surgery date in 2.5 weeks!
I had an appointment at the clinic today with a weight loss doctor and talked ****omplained) to the nurse?/assistant?. She said to call today as the coordinator doesn't have any seminars on Mondays. She also gave me the name of someone else to call.
I got back to work, called the surgery coordinator...and almost fell off my seat when she answered! I made sure she had the letter from my primary care doctor. Then I asked her how it would work to get the approval process started after I finished my psych eval. She was still arguing that I had BCBS of MN and that I needed 6 dietitian visits. Supposedly she never received my letter with the insurance info. She looked up the Anthem information and I read her what I had sent her.
She said the afternoon when I get home from my psych eval (assuming it's positive) I am to call her and we'll set a surgery date. I'm so excited! I should know my surgery date in 2.5 weeks!
Oh good for you! That waiting period is soooo hard. You don't want to get your hopes up in case they say no or something else comes up, then when you finally get the approval and a surgery date it is such a relief it almost doesn't seem real. I started the process in February, and now I'm having surgery in 5 days! Hang in there. It will all work out!