nice to share
Went up to lake Maria state park last week for a walk in the woods. Last time I was there was 2 years ago . On several of the trails they have some good size hills and in the past I had to take a moment half way up to get a breath and then rest at the top. well now that I'm 106lbs lighter (been walking every day )I did several of the trails up and down the best of the hill and didn't even need to stop at the top. Some times I don't remember having had struggles or thinking of them as struggles till now when I don't have to struggle with the problem at all. After 34-35 years of being obese Things that were "normal" for me now are finally feeling not so normal cause I have a new normal now and I like it way better. Feeling really good about myself and my surgery. I'm so glad I had surgery Its been the BEST .I got the perfect band I got a great Doctor and I've met the best and most supportive people ever.Life is really good right now. The only thing missing is Money. And I have this feeling that that is always going to be a problem. Oh well you can't have it all I guess, so I'm happy to settle with what I got... Cause that ain't so bad. Just wanting to share. Hope you all have a great day Nancee Banded 2/5/08 Dr. Jeff (-106)
Wow Nancee -- you are an inspiration!!!! I love the fact that even 65lbs down, walking is so much easier. I can only imagine how much easier it will be 106lbs down! CONGRATS!!