What do all you HOTTIES do when
Kristy (weight loss below does not include 16lbs lost during pre WLS diet)
START: 325 Day of Surgery :309 GOAL: 180
I, too, think I will need a therapist...lol. I guess maybe after some time you just get used to it... I hope.

Yes you are going to get looks..... you will get lots of doors opened for you and perhaps even hit on. Your brain has been in hibernation and eyes down for so long that you trained yourself to know you wouldnt be noticed or didnt deserve it.
BUT yes you get past it.... my approach was sorta angry. Not outwardly but more of " Of course you should look and get my door" and the annoyance from the fact that less than a year ago they would have let the door smack me in the face. So in my head I was like.... dude get up and get that door then look at me but dont think you can even talk to me.
Sounds harsh but I was abit mad about being treated as such a second class citizen.. but now I I say Thank you.... NO thank you! LOL etc.
And it does feel good..
Hope this helps
Start Weight - 263
Current Weight 135 and making it work for ME !

My apologies if this posts twice. I'm computer stupid this morning.
I have really been struggling with this issue quite a bit. I was always the one left holding the purse in the corner of the room. (Sorry - I heard someone use this analogy once and it has stuck with me) Why now are people paying attention to me? Wasn't I nice beforehand?
At first it was flattering. Wow! These nice looking, YOUNG guys are talking to me. Asking me to dance. Then, it got old. Very quickly. Then I got mad and offended. And now I just roll with it.
I am the first one to admit that I'm suffering an identity crisis. I try and talk to close friends about it and try to move on. I can't say its easy for me. My mind is constantly playing catch-up with my changing body. I need to lighten up and say "Thank you for the compliment". I'm so used to people telling me I look nice when I was 262 lbs, not dressed up, and certainly not primped up for a night out. I guess my mind still thinks its other peoples way of making polite conversation.
As easy as it sounds (and trust me, its not easy for me), have fun with it.
Hmmmm.....Good question.....I myself don't take compliments well.....I get embarrassed, and try to change the subject.....
On the other hand, Men noticing me, opening the doors for me, smiling at me, hitting on me, Just makes me laugh inside.......They never showed me the time of day before, and now that I've lost my weight they do......In my brain I just say, "You can look, but not touch, Ha, Ha." My hubby has been with me through it all.....He loves me for ME. And that's what I love about him, his compliments mean the most to me......
I try to hold my head high, and just take in the compliments, and say Thank you......
I just look at it this way (and I apologize if this is crude, but it's true)...men will, uh, fornicate with basically anything (think about it, sheep, cows, etc.), so I'm not going to take it as a compliment that one of them finds me attractive enough to want to have sex with. Good Lord, it's not like most of them have standards anyway when it comes to that. Granted, not all men look at women as potential sex partners only. Some men truly want to find a wonderful woman to share their lives with, and being physically attractive can help with that for sure.
Thankfully, I already have a wonderful man who loves me the way I am. However, the other day he told me that it's a good thing we already met and he already loves me because once I lose weight and get thin, he says he "wouldn't look twice" at me. He likes heavy women. So, I might have some kind of weird reverse situation here where I will end up alone because my man only likes me when I'm fat. Go figure. Who knows. At least when that time comes, I will be happy, healthy and confident, and that's the best we can hope for in life if you ask me!
So, as far as your newfound attractiveness to men, I think it is natural to have some anger toward them in general for discounting you when you were heavier, because you are the same wonderful person inside now that you were then, and you deserved to be loved and appreciated at both times in your life. It is sad that some men can't see past the fat, but that is just the reality. It's your choice if you want to cut them a break and be open to the new potential of meeting someone, or continue to be angry that they never paid attention to you before so they don't deserve to talk to you now. If nothing else, at least make them work for that first date with you! You earned it.