Feeling Fat?
How can I have fat days????????? If that doesnt tell you that its a brain

Do you have days were you KNOW your down... you know your ok but your brain is sending you different messages?
I did alot of reading about that post I wrote awhile back about how long till our bodies realize this is our weight and will set at it? Well the "theory" is we are born with a set point weight due to genetics and such. And that our bodies fight to stay there no matter what we do. Now this is my very loose impression and interpretation of what I read.
It says that maintaining one weight for two to three years can reset your "set point" but as of now its a theory. There is a thing called "grehlin" ? that is produced in our tums that make us hungry and that the amount produced is reduced after WLS hence not feeling as hungry as before.
It more or less said that WLS is the sure fire way to lose the weight and better chances of keeping it off.
So we consider ourseleves SO fortunate to have had our surgeries and that even though we might not be all the way where we want to be... we are LESS than we were and I can guarentee each and everyone of you that if you were heavy again and someone said...
" Hey... how about if you wake up tomorrow with 80? 100? down?"
Youd have jumped at it.. so give yourselves a break if your not "there"
Your all winners.
And that ends my random ramble public service announcement for the day................
Hugs Kids
Start Weight - 263
Current Weight 135 and making it work for ME !
Love you!
Highest: 349
Lowest: 175
Surgeon's Goal: 189
My Goal: A healtier happier me!!
2014 update...regained but haven't lost faith.
I think as humans we arent happy unless we are beating ouselves up about somthing... that size we want.. we dont clean good enough cook enough do right by our kids etc... its always somthing :(
I finally let some things go.... we dont eat at the table anymore.. its couch and coffee table.. and I know Ill never be as organized as my Mom God love her!
Hugs Edi... be nice to you !!
Love you tons!
Start Weight - 263
Current Weight 135 and making it work for ME !
on 9/24/08 4:34 am - MN
I still feel like I'm huge - EVERY day, but today I brought my FAT pants in for the PNC support group tonight - but decide to try them on for everyone at the office to see...HA....I may still be bigger than I want to be - but I'm NOT A 32 ANYMORE!!!!
The head thing sucks - thank the Lord for pictures to remind of us the truth!
The funniest part of this whole thing is that when I started pulling off my fat pants a coworker didn't realize I had my other pants on underneath and she freaked out thinking I was going to get naked in front of her and everyone else!!! YEAH - LIKE THAT WOULD HAPPEN!
Tracy, Tracy, Tracy! Look at you! Looking fantastic.
I can't say that I've really had days that I feel fat. But what I can't seem to get over right now is dressing for my size. No matter what, I always gravitate to the plus sizes. I'm down to 146 lbs and currently wearing a size 4-6. No way in this world do I need to be looking at size 16, 18, 20's. Why is it that I can't seem to get out of that area of the store?
I think it is similar to the feeling of being "fat". My head is having a hard time catching up. Definitely. I think I need a personal shopper to help me clothes shop. Or one of those shows on TLC What not to wear. I must gravitate away from khaki and black pants.

~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
Click on link to see my journey!!!
"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with! Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!