I believe I was at least 6 months out before I tried anything. You really do need to be careful, for a number of reasons. Transfer addictions, plus you really won't know how it will affect you until you try it, and the alcohol can do damage to your re-plumbed system. I really don't drink a lot or often, but I've found that wine affects me WAY more than anything else. I've had a few beers, nothing. I've had a few mixed drinks - nothing. But wine? I'm buzzing within MINUTES of having my first sip! And the buzz seems to be gone within 15-20 minutes of my last sip. Doesn't mean I'm SAFE, I just don't feel it after a short while. And the only thing wine USED to do for me is give me an instant headache!
Just be careful... you're better off drinking water.
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
Everyone is going to have differing opinions about this one. According to most surgeons you should never drink again. Most of us know that isn't much of a reality. It looks like you just had sugery about a month ago. I personally would not sugggest it. I think I had my first drink about 6 months out and even though I was still very heavy around 300lbs one drink landed me on my BUTT. Alcohol will affect you VERY different than ever before. Not sure I should be pround of this but before my WLS I could drink most men under the table - after WLS I am trashed off of two drinks. Beside all of that you want to work your tool to the utmost of your ability those first 12-18 months and honestly why add in un-needed calories. Not tryin to preach to you as it is your body and decision just wanted to share my experience. I will say if you choose to have a drink make sure your first few are at home - you never know what you might dump on or the way different alcohol will affect you.
Good luck - and happy early b-day.
When I chose WLS, I decided that I would give up all alcohol. This was MY own doing. I don't begrudge anyone who chooses to drink. Who am I to say what someone can or can't do? To me, the liquid calories are not worth it. I haven't dumped since having surgery. But for some reason, I have it in my head that this will happen if I choose to drink. Again, its my own personal choice.
With that said, I can say that I am still able to enjoy time out with friends who choose to have a drink. It isn't less fun - its actually MORE Fun! And I am all for everyone going out, having fun, and getting home sober. So I choose to designate myself to drive if necessary. Again, my own personal choice. Doesn't make my decision right or wrong. Its just what works for me.
Your question isn't an easy one to answer. I wish you the best in making whatever decision you make - as long as it is what is right for you. Good Luck! And still go out with friends, even if they do drink. It gives you a different perspective on things.