Worried about habits following surgery!
Right now I am so bad about walking through the kitchen and grabbing a few crackers (or worse) and going to the fridge SO many times a day. I think mostly because the kitchen is the absolute CENTER of the house... I am having trouble now!
How did so many of you change that? I know when I go there I am not hungary, I am just so used to doing it! aaahhh!
Was it easier than I think it will be?
P.S. Tomorrow is my 7 week post op and I've lost 30+lbs.!!! The first few weeks are the hardest to handle. Just take it one day at a time. You can do it!!! God Bless!
I was a grazing eater too - and to be honest I am 6 months out - i just dont keep stuff around now that were trigger foods - if I am going to snack it is going to be on protein foods - to make sure i get my daily requirements in.
I also agree with what the others have posted - I really don't feel hungry and i don't really crave foods - i had to start thinking of food as fuel - rather than comfort or because i am bored.
another idea is to ask yourself as you are on a wander through the kitchen - do I want this cuz im hungry or do i want it for another reason. if it is another reason - then walk away.
best wishes on your amazing journey!

There are so many things that change in your mind after the surgery that you worry about before...as for grazing..I now find it very easy to ask myself WHY I am looking...am I hungry or am I HEAD hungry? If I absolutely MUST have something I feel better about it than I would have before because now, just a bite or a taste does it for me...I don't end up eating half a bag of something.

I am 7 weeks out and have lost 46 pounds. It's tough but the rewards are great!
Don't worry, you'll do great. PM me anytime!
RNY 07/29/2008 | HW: 305lbs | LW: 219lbs | GW: 180lbs
I'm almost 17 months out, and appreciate your post as a reminder of where I've come from. To this day, I STILL do not have an appetite. That's right, I have YET to feel hunger, as I knew it. I have to REMIND myself to eat some days! Pre-op, I thought that took a special kinda stupid.
As for being pre-op, it would be wise for you to start practicing NOW what you'll need to do post-op. Chewing everything to applesauce consistancy. No more pop. No drinking 30 minutes before or after meals. Protein first. All that stuff. Practice now makes it easier once it becomes mandatory! It also helps if you can remove the evil trigger foods from your home altogether. Replace them with various protein sources, as you will always want to be sure to get your protein in.
That having been said, it WILL be easier than you think it is now, because you will be putting yourself through a MAJOR SURGERY, and if you're like most of us, you really won't want to do anything to screw it up! Make a list of things you can do that ARE NOT food related - things that maybe you never took time for before, 'cuz you were too busy focusing on what to eat! You'll be surprised by how much TIME food took away from you...
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