Ever missed your psych meds?! Sheesh....
Hi Farrah! Sure appreciate your empathy--love your 'slogan' "Better living through Chemistry!" Hey, ain't that the truth. And you're right on'-- resisting the smoking thing was huge, and sure set precedence over any future craving, huh?! Take care of you hon! Hugs,Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

Thank you for understanding Jen! Wow again I tell you, you are just one 'smokin' hottie! Really too bad all the size tens I brought for Swapkins are so short....oh well. WOW! Was at Goodwill earlier, and bought a pair of Silver jeans (my ultimate 'dream-on' fave) and got size six, which fit perfectly! Have only seen Silver jeans on taller, very thin gals.....Take care, and won't be able to hit Wed. night groups, as church function starts tonight, then weekends are booked up til PS 10/20....work every other weekend, camping the last Sept. weekend, finally getting up to my folk's before surgery.....so much to do before being out of commission recuperating from double thigh lift and mini-panni.....Ooopsie, this got way too long; I need to go rest before leaving for church. Hugs, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.