Ever missed your psych meds?! Sheesh....

on 9/16/08 2:20 pm, edited 9/16/08 2:45 pm - Hopkins, MN
I'm SO embarrassed-- had such high anxiety at Caribou tonight. Realized just now, getting out bedtime meds, I'd missed the  5:00 p.m. anti-anxiety meds  Majorly freaked at MG, due to having social anxiety, then being in a situation where they were so needed. Huge apologies for leaving to sit outside alone in the melt-down, not wanting anyone to see me (no drama, no scene) waiting for earlier MM ride, which didn't show til 8:40 . Just had to let everyone know it was MY screw-up, that nobody caused a thing--I'm so human, and we've each got our individual head issues post WLS.....even got hit on by some dude out there--ick. BUT, Here's a WOW: I quit smoking Friday and wanted to go in and buy a pack SO BADLY, the worst I ever, ever wanted a cigarette, and overcame that temptation.Any smokers/ex-smokers will understand how huge that was!  I feel great for that.  Am taking bedtime meds in fifteen minutes, to get a good night's sleep, and really HAVE to stop reversing days/nights, because this is not the first time I've goofed up meds--and even have two seven-day, four-time slot med organizer. Apologies again for my not being my good ol' self tonight;  time to eat some crow if the two cats will allow.....good night hugs, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

Yelena K.
on 9/16/08 2:38 pm - Plymouth, MN
I am glad to hear that you are feeling better.

2019: 11 years out and maintaining a loss of 150lbs.

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on 9/17/08 6:24 am - Hopkins, MN
Thank you Elena, I slept nine hours overnight, and feel like I should.  Whew, it's tough doing a 'stupid' though better here, than with complete strangers!  Ha! 
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

(deactivated member)
on 9/16/08 9:51 pm - Clear Lake, MN

I was wondering what happend to you. Hey next time just grab a chair.......

on 9/17/08 6:24 am - Hopkins, MN
Hey Kelly, am feeling even better than when PMd you last night, though having slept nine hours, have felt just like I ought to!  Good thing nobody literally dies from embarrassment, huh?!  Hugs, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

Randall Culpepper
on 9/16/08 10:26 pm - Guntersville, AL
Keeping you in my prayers Patti.  We love ya.
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
       coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper

on 9/17/08 6:33 am - Hopkins, MN
OK, Mr and Mrs Culpepper,  thank you so much for the prayers, and especially the unconditional love!  (now, if I could buy a ton of that for my sibs.....)  Got a great nine-hour sleep overnight, and am back to what's 'normal' for this bod and mind...still feel so badly for 'missing' out last night, although you both know my genuine thoughts and feelings toward your inspirational love story and faith-based family journey as an awesome example to many!  God bless you two as you become 'one'!!!  Oceans of love and hugs galore, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

happy girl
on 9/16/08 11:08 pm
Patti, I have been there - both with the anxiety, missing meds and needing the smokes.  Well done on resisting.  That is SO huge.  That is something to be really proud of, especially in that situation.

2003 RNY, 2007 Revision Distal RNY
April 17, 2009 ~ fleur de lis TT w/Muscle Repair, Medial Thigh Lift, Ventral Hernia Repair 



on 9/17/08 6:39 am - Hopkins, MN
Thank you SO much happy girl!  It sure helps when a few people actually 'get it'.   And sure appreciate your understanding with the ugly anxiety, and the nicotine!  Man, I've definitely got the smoking cessation licked--can't imagine ever 'needing' one like yesterday...for three hours!  We are women, hear us ROAR!  Looking forward to meeting you!  Hugs, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

Farrah W
on 9/17/08 1:04 am - Tallahassee, FL
Oh yes, I've definitely done that. But normally it's a work day and by about 11am I'm a wreck and people are asking me what's wrong!   I have to go home and take the meds.

Congrats on the smoking thing - that's huge!!


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