Clothes to share
I haven't been here for awhile....alot going on with family, but I do have alot of jeans and top/sweaters to pass on to other if they would like them. I won't be able to make the Swapkins
in October and wanted to offer to anyone what I have now.
I live down in Northfield and if you would like to stop by and take anything you like I would appreciate it.
Let me know if you are interested and we can set up a time for you to stop by.

Hi Amy,
Wondering what size clothes you have on hand. I plan on being in Northfield on this coming Friday. Perhaps we could get together for a quick cup of Caribou. I'd have my Mom with me as she is in the Northfield retirement Center and needs a K-Mart and Econo Foods run.
Haven't seen you for a long, long time as I've been out of commisson for almost 3 months; but I've got my "wheels" back so I need to get back on track with the runs down to see Mom. My sister has been doing it this summer; so guess it's my turn now.
At any rate, let me know what's knew and what you schedule is like on Friday. You can e-mail me at [email protected].
Talk to you soon.

Hugs...........Granny Eileen
Let me know.....
Hi Amy,
It has been a long time....way too long! I miss being here and I am trying to make an extra effort to get to the board to read and catch up with everybody. I am doing great with my weigt loss. I am 2 pounds below my surgeons goal and have about 13 more pounds to go for my own personal goal. I have lost 116 pounds total so far and feel great. I think I have more pictures on my profile. I try to update those but haven't posted that I have done so. You can check it out and I will put a couple more up there with me and my girls.
My grandma passed away on May 3rd which was really tough for me. My dad had a nodule on the lower lobe of his right lung and was in the process of scheduling surgery to remove it when he failed his stress test. He had a heart cath and they found huge blockage. One artery was 99+ blocked (split a human hair and that is the passage the blood had), 85% and 55%. I headed home to Ohio once again to be there for him and more so for my Mom. I think it is toughest on her after losing her mom and now this with my dad. The surgery went well. He had so much cholesterol in his aorta that the surgeon did the operation while his heart was beatin for fear he may have a stroke if he was put on bypass. He is home now and doing better everyday. We are heading back to OH over MEA weekend to take the girls to see Nana and Papa. We have been promising them all summer but it just didn't work out for all of us to go, just me. They are ready for a visit. Hopefully he will fully recover from his open heart surgery and they will get back to the lung cancer and get that taken care of.
Not much else going on...just travleing back and forth to OH. I am now doing home daycare with a friend at my house, much harder to do than I thought it would be.
Lydia has started kindergarten and Rachel is in preschool. They both love school and it is fun for me to watch. I met Granny Eileen for coffee on Friday. It was so good to see her again. I have been out of touch for much of the summer and want to get back here and to coffee and the support meetings. I am seeing now that I really need the extra support outside of my family.
Thanks for asking. I hope all is well with you. I know your surgery should be coming up soon! I am excited for you to continue your journey and follow along with you.
Still want to get together and scrapbook some time. Hopefully we will be able to get to that some time soon!
Take care & talk to you soon!