Saturday Coffee Talk...LONG

My sister sure could use your prayers today too. She is in the eye of hurricane Ike right now and I haven't heard from her. They are still in a fema trailer as they rebuild their home that Rita destroyed 3 years ago. ALL of these people need our prayers. So much going on. There is the gas prices and even a train collison in CA where many are dead and injured. My heart goes out to all of them.
So, on a cheery note, I leave tomorrow night or Monday morning (depends on if I get a na*****t LOL) to go to Minnesota to move Lucy!! YAY!! I can't wait until she and her belongings are in ALABAMA FOR GOOD!! Sorry my MN friends. HEHEHEHE Just a personal note. LOL I know you understand. I can't wait to see you guys Tuesday night for coffee!! WOO HOO!!
SO, who's up!? LOL What cha sipping on? I'm LOVING me some Boca Java Blueberry coffee this morning. This stuff is AWESOME! If you love flavored coffee, you'd love this one! It is so good. Only thing missing is you!
Whatever you do today, I pray you are safe and have a great day!

Mornin' Randy! Busy day for you indeed and I'll be praying right along with you! Having never been affected by a tropical storm, I can't imagine what those hurricane victims are going through. I know there's a lot we can do for them in the days ahead.
I pray for your sister's safety and that you hear from her as soon as the phone lines are available. She will be safe. Keep your faith.
Best to you today! And see you Tuesday.
I remember how much my body took its toll on me when I was two weeks from my wedding! Take it easy on yourself! You don't want to overdo things and be sore for your own wedding. Because after last weekend, Elvis may show up and want to take your place at the altar! Just kidding, of course.
Will send prayers to you, to Lucy, to your sister, to everyone affected by Ike, those who are struggling with difficulties in their lives, to those who died in the train crash in LA.
Oh, and how could I forget to pray for those who will be in a little small town in Alabama in couple of weeks. Hopefully God will be able to strengthen their patience! We've got a wild time planned for our trip. I don't think your home town will be the same after some of us wild and crazy Minnesotans are visiting. I think o it as our payback to you for taking our dear, sweet Lucy far away from us! (insert alligator tears here)
Can't wait til Tuesday night! And for the 26th! Drink lots of coffee! I think I'm going to make it my mission to find a very unique coffee blend for you while you are here. HHHmmmm.........
Seriously, have a safe trip. You will probably leave to come MN tomorrow. You don't want another day to go by without your beautiful, blushing bride to be. Awwww. So cute!