I REALLY didn't think this day would come...
I'm wearing 16's!!!!
Unreal... the scale started moving again a few weeks ago, slow but sure, and now? I'm wearing size 16 jeans!!! UN. FREAKING. REAL! Yes, I have an atomic muffin top. WHO CARES???!!!
I started this journey in 32's. Yup, the proverbial circus tents.
When I got into 24's that I bought at WALLYWORLD (NOT Lane Bryant, NOT Catherine's...), I thought I had died and gone to heaven!
And I figured if I never got below a 24, well, life was still great!
When I got into 22's, I thought - this is it, I can't BELIEVE I'm in 22's! WOO HOO!! I'm happy right here!
Then 20's... I know I'll never get smaller than this, but HEY! I'm in 20's!!

Then I got into and spent a LONG TIME in 18's - and frankly, I'll still be wearing them for a while! But HOLY TOLEDO, I'M WEARING 16'S TODAY!!! If I never see the inside of size 14, that's OKAY WITH ME!!!
Unreal... the scale started moving again a few weeks ago, slow but sure, and now? I'm wearing size 16 jeans!!! UN. FREAKING. REAL! Yes, I have an atomic muffin top. WHO CARES???!!!
I started this journey in 32's. Yup, the proverbial circus tents.
When I got into 24's that I bought at WALLYWORLD (NOT Lane Bryant, NOT Catherine's...), I thought I had died and gone to heaven!

When I got into 22's, I thought - this is it, I can't BELIEVE I'm in 22's! WOO HOO!! I'm happy right here!
Then 20's... I know I'll never get smaller than this, but HEY! I'm in 20's!!

Then I got into and spent a LONG TIME in 18's - and frankly, I'll still be wearing them for a while! But HOLY TOLEDO, I'M WEARING 16'S TODAY!!! If I never see the inside of size 14, that's OKAY WITH ME!!!
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful