OT: Womens Showcase fashion show!!!
Some of you may remeber last year I was asked to be in a fashion show at the Womens Showcase in St Cloud. Well this morning I was emailed again by J.Jill and asked to represent them again!!!! WOW!!! I thought it would be super fun to have a OH gathering at the show! I'm just putting that out here, just in case anyone is interested in meeting up between shows and hanging out or coming and 'heckling' from the audience.....LOL
here is a link to the website for the showcase. I am told that the shows times will be at 11:00 and 1:00. http://www.womensshowcase.com/info.html
I am super excited!!!
here is a link to the website for the showcase. I am told that the shows times will be at 11:00 and 1:00. http://www.womensshowcase.com/info.html
I am super excited!!!
Kelly, didn't see a reply yet, though in addition to that, just ask at any department store if they do periodic fashion shows. I'd done this for Lane Bryant back in the (obese/morbidly obese) day, and as a child, did the same for JC Penney's where my aunt had worked. Both were merely volunteering for 'fashion shows', not the 'modeling' per se with fashion portfolio and pay. It IS fun getting to wear the new clothes, and 'doing the cat-walk' for the experience! Work it, girls! good luck! Hugs, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

It was always a thing my sisters and I did every year and it turned into something that our girls looked forward to doing every year with us. Last year I was on the website and they had a link to register if you wanted to be in a fashion show, and they chose me!!! I never thought it would happen and it did.....I hope they do that again and maybe someone here would be chosen....that would be cool too!!!