Thanks, Dana!
I would really be interested in finding out WHY 'kids' in general these days don't know how to apply themselves in the work world. I'm sure there's a big sociological reason for it--
And yet they have sooo many modern conveniences compared to when WE were their age! (Can you hear the violins playing 'My Heart Cries for You'?) I mean, that's what MY MOM used to say to me!!
I would really be interested in finding out WHY 'kids' in general these days don't know how to apply themselves in the work world. I'm sure there's a big sociological reason for it--
And yet they have sooo many modern conveniences compared to when WE were their age! (Can you hear the violins playing 'My Heart Cries for You'?) I mean, that's what MY MOM used to say to me!!

Hey SweetSue! Thank you for sharing your WOW! I've had two more during the past three days, thereby proving we can be WOWed throughout out our post-WLS lives! AND, as far as yours and Dana's comments on young'uns at work: YOUTH IS WASTED ON THE YOUNG!!! Do not lose sight of attaining your dream (er, REAL) job hon! Hugs, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

Thank YOU, Patti-Tat-Too! It's these unexpected pats on the back that spur us ever onward, coaxing us to work harder, jump higher, roll over faster.. ! (J/K!)
Yup--totally agree with you that 'youth is wasted on the young'! If only I hadda known when I was younger...
I would have done things differently...
Yup--totally agree with you that 'youth is wasted on the young'! If only I hadda known when I was younger...
