Are the pictures from LAST NIGHT? I want to see more than boom da la boomdie or who ever he was. Where's Lucy and Elvis?
Connie: Did you BEHAVE?
Darla: Do you have more of that candy?
Kelly: Did you keep your eye out for my Lulu?
I need pictures!

And wherever did you get the notion the candy was from MOI????
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
Darla....these are great pics....what a wonderful time we had!!!
You my dear are also a PARTY Animal...wooohooo....we are fun together!!! We always seem to be the the closers of the evening party girls!
Lucy...I saw a side of you that was amazing!! Love you sooo much!!
Loved being with all of you....thanks for accepting my friend Pam...she had such a great time!! She is still talking about all of you and the great ladies you are!! are holding out on few shots.........wooooooooo!
Love and hugs.....connie d
Darla, Where's the other pictures? You know.....Elvis crotch picture?

Kelly F. That was your hand........

Randy, I did look out for Lucy, But she was my "Watch Dog." Family issues at Chico's,,,,Dang I can't get away from those people.......All & all it was a fabulous time with wonderful friends....
Connie, Holy moly hotness.....Attention OH peep's, Connie is a party animal..

Terri, Thanks for being my other "Watch Dog." I so hope we can hang out together again, You are a fun person.....And I can never Thank You enough for what you did.......
We gotta do this again guy's...........This was a blast, shaking our smaller Booties........