Monday Weigh-In
Good mornin!!! Good Mornin!!!!! GOOD MORNIN!!! Time to rise and shine. Today is another day to work towards our goals. Whether they are to maintain or to fit into a certain size or to lose lbs or to start that training you really want to get into. What ever the goal is you will be succsessful!!! You took that step too get a very important tool. Now is the time to work it. Remember if you can think it you can do it!!!!! If you need some help in getting there give us a shout!!! We are all family when it comes to this journey so don't walk away, work hard and stay!!!! Have a Ginormous fantastic exciting week. As for me I'm always here just shout and i will appear LOL
Highest- 235
Last week- 127
The best part of winning is showing and helping others to win too!***
Have a great day my friend! Looking good man! In a guy kind of saying. HA!

Morning Sunshine!!!
Highest 231
Last Week 124
Today 122
My goal is to get back up to over 125 -- But I know the current loss is from stress going on right now -- this should all be better after we get the FIL moved up here on October 5th!!!! And maintaining is a game of plus and minus -- still working on the happy balance.
See you at coffee next Saturday!!!!