We're Back!
We got home last night about 8pm. Two weeks in CA with the hubby's family and the new dog! The dog did great! What a road trip!! Today is my birthday and I'm tired!!

Blessed are those who can give without remembering
And take without forgetting.
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
May You Fly with Eagles
Run with Wolves
Walk with Buffalos
Always be my Friend
And take without forgetting.
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
May You Fly with Eagles
Run with Wolves
Walk with Buffalos
Always be my Friend
shopsalot: After what happened when we left her to go to the wedding we chickened out on leaving her home. Our daughter stayed at our house and watched the cat (it is her cat after all). But we took the dog and she was we stayed with her, even if I got out of the truck to potty and hubby was with her she'd bounce around looking out all the windows looking for me till I got back. I think leaving her would have been a mistake. It was a bit like traveling with a two year old but what the heck, not like I haven't done that before!!!
Blessed are those who can give without remembering
And take without forgetting.
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
May You Fly with Eagles
Run with Wolves
Walk with Buffalos
Always be my Friend
And take without forgetting.
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
May You Fly with Eagles
Run with Wolves
Walk with Buffalos
Always be my Friend
Thanks everyone! I did laundry and unpacking all day in my PJ's. Our daughter stopped by for most the day, she helped hubby carry the heavy stuff. I could hardly budge it, that girl is strong or this last birthday caused me to lose my muscles! 
This afternoon we went to the new Sonic, I at least put on sweat pants for that.
On the way home we stopped for milk and yogurt, etc. No food in the house today so coffee and toast was breakfast, and I totally forgot lunch till I looked at the clock and it was already 3pm. One way not to cook on your B-Day......have no food in the house!
I am tired and have a headache I am going to lay down and call it a day.

This afternoon we went to the new Sonic, I at least put on sweat pants for that.

I am tired and have a headache I am going to lay down and call it a day.
Blessed are those who can give without remembering
And take without forgetting.
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
May You Fly with Eagles
Run with Wolves
Walk with Buffalos
Always be my Friend
And take without forgetting.
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
May You Fly with Eagles
Run with Wolves
Walk with Buffalos
Always be my Friend
Thanks! I was wondering when we'd get back too! The trip was better than last year, but still alot of time was consumed by the Aunt. At any rate she's moved again and hopefully for the last time. We got rained on a couple times on the way back but it seems the stuff in the back of the truck stayed dry or dry enough at least. AB is a 7 pound road warrior! She was so happy to be home she was running up and down the hall and hopping on her back legs. She even let Sassy touch noses when we came in the door!
Blessed are those who can give without remembering
And take without forgetting.
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
May You Fly with Eagles
Run with Wolves
Walk with Buffalos
Always be my Friend
And take without forgetting.
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
May You Fly with Eagles
Run with Wolves
Walk with Buffalos
Always be my Friend